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dijous, 16 de desembre del 2010

Freezing Fog


Where am I? Can't see anything, but my eyes are wide open. Honest!

I'm sittin' in some kind of...toilet? After a quick look around I notice there's a door. And it's slightly open. I'm outta here. 

-"...the heck..."

Too much light for my eyes, I think. There's a big sign right in front of me.


Toluca Lake. Feels like home. Never been here's like i've been living here forever. Can't even remember travelling to this place. Why the hell I'm here, by the way?

The place is covered in fog, and it's kind of familiar to me. No movements on the lake, not even the water. I walk for a while, everything is strangely quiet. No sound except from my footsteps.

This town...I have seen it before. Can't remember where though. There's another sign, but it's unreadable. Well, there's one "S". And there, one "H".

-"South...Hampton? No's unreadable."


Someone arrives. It's a little kid.

-"Hey, you can't..."

The surrounding fog is starting to feel...cold. It's freezing me inside.

-"Who are you?"

-"Kyle. are dead..."

My head is spinning. The whole town is spinning. You can't be...

-"Really? You must be so, then."

You...I...can't be...


Wu Ying Ren 死

2 comentaris:

Rose Black ha dit...

Toluca Lakeeeeeeeee
Super Silent Hill
¿T'has inspirat jugant? Aquest em sona molt del 4 jaja

wuyingren ha dit...

No m'he inspirat en cap dels jocs en particular. Potser una mica més en el 2, però era una història que tenia al cap insistint en sortir...i l'he adaptat una mica.

Wu Ying Ren 死