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dilluns, 2 d’agost del 2010

There's a way out

Do you like this room? It's plenty of clocks, as you see. There are clocks on the walls, clocks on the floor, clocks everywhere. And they are all different from each other, you know? They are all single. Unique. So, what do you think? You like it?

Come, my friend, look at this. It's an amazing collection of clocks, don't you think? Yes, sure it is. Take another look, please. Amazing. Staring at them makes me wonder. How many years have passed since we met for the first time? Can you tell? It's been almost a decade since that day. Coming to think of it, a decade is a lot of time.

Come on, why do you look so surprised? Ah, I know! You've just noticed there are no doors in this room. Not even windows. Looks like a trap, right? I can assure it isn't., there's a way out. But...well, there's more than that. Isn't this room unusually silent? Look at the clocks...stopped. That's because time is frozen here. 

But relax, we are close friends after all. Aren't we? I'm not going to hurt you in any particular way. you believe in God? Do you follow any particular religion? Well, it doesn't matter actually. To tell you the truth, i'm an illusion. So is this room, and all these clocks. Maybe you too are an illusion right now. Out here, in the real world, something bad is happening. Your brain is fighting in despair against something he cannot even understand. Auto-consuming himself. That's why he's giving you a final moment with someone you remember as..."special".

Ah, that face. I think now you're finally realising what's happening here.

Yes, you are dying.

But, don't worry, there's no more pain for you.

Wu Ying Ren 死